426 Polo Park Blvd. Davenport, FL 33897



HOA BOARD MEETING/MEMBERS                                                          March 11, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Attendance:  Daniel Basham (President), Mike Wright (Vice-President), Linda Bailey (Secretary), Marianne Helmprecht (Treasurer), Jeff Polston (Director), Linda Sheerin (Director), Scott Rapp (Director)

Absent:  no one

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Daniel Basham

Prayer was led by Marcia Rockinson

Secretary Report by Linda Bailey

Motion to accept the minutes from February 12, 2024 by Linda Bailey; seconded by Scott Rapp.

Treasurer Report by Marianne Helmprecht

Bank Balance in the HOA account as of Jan. 31, 2024                      $134,249.50

Deposits for January                                                                           $256,731.64

Invoices paid in January                                                                     $  29,334.20

Bank Balance                                                                                      $360,713.42


End of January in the Fifth Third Bank                                              $    1,000.00

Reserves                                                                                             $193,010.38

CD’s (that’s for the Home Owners Association)                                $151,189.40


Golf Course as of Jan. 31, 2024                                                         $  13,632.03

Deposits for January                                                                           $  22,494.60

Total                                                                                                    $  36,126.63

Invoices paid for January                                                                   $  20,028.53

Bank Balance                                                                                      $  16,098.10


Activities as of Jan. 31, 2024                                                             $  20,107.99

Deposits                                                                                              $  18,964.43

Invoices                                                                                              $    3,110.50

Activities in HOA account                                                                 $  19,498.67

Bank Balance as of Jan. 31, 2024                                                       $  31,769.00

Activities Balance                                                                              $  51,191.36


Mariann Helmprecht makes a motion to accept the treasurers report.  Mike Wright seconded.  Motion was accepted.

February’s report

Bank Balance for the HOA                                                                 $331,494.60

Deposit for February                                                                          $  36,493.22

Invoices for February                                                                         $  46,335.71

Bank Balance for the end of February                                               $326,294.54


Reserves                                                                                             $144,307.45

CD’s                                                                                                    $157,578.36


Golf Course Balance Brought Forward                                              $  16,039.36

Deposits for February                                                                         $  36,385.10

Total                                                                                                    $  52,424.26

Invoices in February                                                                           $  20,161.07

Bank Balance for the end of February                                               $  32,056.14


Activities Bank Balance Brought Forward                                        $  31,769.00

Deposits for February                                                                         $  12,241.28

Invoices for February                                                                         $  13,322.56

Activities in HOA account                                                                 $  17,078.02

Bank Balance                                                                                      $  31,769.00

Fifth Third Bank                                                                                 $    4,810.27

Bank Balance for the end of February                                               $  53,588.98


Linda Sheerin asked about a cheque written to Chris Mazio for reimbursement of supplies.  Linda S. asked if cheque 17381 dated February 2 was for HOA.  Marianne answered that it was for CERTS.  Linda S. said that it should be in the CERTS account and not in the HOA account.  Marianne responded that she would look into it when she got back to the office and then let Linda Sheerin know. 

Marianne Helmprecht made a motion to accept the treasurers report.  Mike Wright seconded. Motion was accepted.

Linda Sheerin asked how much interest we are making in each account.  Marianne will get the interest amounts for each account.  Linda S. then suggested that we put $200,000 in a money manager account which will have a higher interest amount.  Marianne will look into it.  Mike said that there are CD specials for about 7 months.  He questioned banking at different banks.  Marianne will look into the various suggestions for investing money.

Marianne continued that at the end of February there were 28 people who not paid their dues this year.  We have some that are over 90 days overdue.  Several of the late dues have gone to the lawyers office.

Activities Reports


Mike had new hires. Jim Rose is the Pro Shop Manager and he does the web page.  To help bring our web page to the top of the list, if everyone would type in the search bar “golf near me”, it will bring up our golf course first and help to keep our golf course near the top of the search page.  It will help bring in more money to the golf course.

We have 3 new clerks: Christine Johnson, Carol Bornhorst, Lillian Husband  

Feb income deposit on the 29th was over $10,000 more than last year for the same month.  Between $6,000 and $7,000 ahead at the end of the two months.  Mike thanks all those that come out every Wednesday to help clean up and the Rangers.

Sod is coming in for number 6 and 9 sand traps and will be placed.

Buildings and Grounds by Scott Rapp

 Two part report 1) Swale project and 2) Engineering Committee

Scott called Kevin Mosley who is the project manager for swales project.  They are going to put in the rest of the locator flags.  On the 18th of April they will come in and put in the locator flags for the utilities.

On the 1st week of April, the crews and machinery to start on the swales. 

Scott Rapp said that Kevin will look at the swales, the pipes, the drains, the culverts and everything.  If there are repairs needed, they will do that.  This will all affect our engineering study.  Tom Becker got some nice estimates.  Equalis is the company that looks the best.  Polk county is going to do some of what was suggested by Equalis.  The engineering study is on hold until the swale project is done.  Pipes and culverts will also be looked at by the county.   Richard Ackerman gave us a lot of technical data on the ponds and the pipes.   Tony Mahoney is still looking out for us and keeping on the swale project. Tony arranged for Kevin Mosley to contact Scott.  Sam and Mike are also going to be on top of Polk County as they get to work on the project.  Another engineering firm that Mike Mackey knows may come in and look at the project.  This is high on our priority list.  Scott asked for patience on the swale project.    Scott will help.  Just call him and he will come out to help.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC) by Linda Sheerin

Thank you to the folks who are working in ARC.  ARC is looking for new people to come out to the meetings.  There were 30 ARC reviews were approved.  We are having an issue with 265 Jackson Park where cement was poured in his yard up to golf cart path.  He did not have a permit.  Linda Sheerin thinks that we should fix it ourselves.  Linda Bailey asks if we can cut and remove the cement.  Linda S. said yes.  Mike asked that as the yard is so small that we should turn a blind eye.  Linda S. said that we cannot ignore it as there are rules to be followed.  Daniel Basham agreed with Linda S.  Daniel felt that we all needed to take a look at it and come back to discuss it.  Linda S. hopes that the county will deal with it. 

Rules and Regs by Linda Sheerin

Volunteers are needed.  We have sent out 22 letters, 5 homeowners fixed the issues.  We will present 4 to the board for fining.  They have been labelled A, B, C and D.  Once the letter goes out, the homeowner has 30 days to amend the situation.  Linda S. made a motion that they go to fining.  Linda B asks about the person who is running a business from his garage and if it’s been stopped.  It’s a rental property and he’s been talked to.  Mike asked when they do the swales, what will the snowbirds do.  Linda answered that we are not doing anything about the swales until they are done. Jeff asked if Elise had brought the State record book for the changes that were made last year.  She answered no.  He then discussed the fence that is in someone’s back yard.  The State of Florida says we are allowed to store things in our back yard even though the Homeowners Association covenants are against it.  We can store anything in our backyards as long as we don’t live in them.  The fence cannot be seen from front yard.  The state statutes strictly spoke to the front yard.  Jeff will not vote to this one.  Daniel asked to submit fine letters A, B and C to the Standing Committee.  Linda B. asked for a motion to submit A, B, and C to the Standing Committee. Letter D we can’t do anything about.  Jeff seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Standing Hearing Committee by Linda Sheerin 

We have one fine that has started that we have collected $50 per day since March 2nd.  We have 3 new ones to go to the committee.  Hearing committee will decide to fine or not.

Pool Committee by Marianne Helmprecht

People asking for the sign to say sun down and not dusk for more clarity to those visiting the pool.  Linda S suggested a sign indicating no trespassing after dark.  Marianne said the signs are up and we can call the police if swimmers are in the pool after dark do not follow the rules.

Blvd pool has several voids in the pool.  Marianne is in the process of getting three estimates for redoing the pool as well as changes to the stairs so they are not so deep and add 2 bars in the pool to make if easier for people to climb the stairs.

Linda S. asked if there is a date for the Challenger pool to be completed.  Marianne answered that the Challenger pool will be coated tomorrow and the deck painted sometime after.  We are getting near the end.  Might be open at the end of the week or next.  After the chemicals are stabilized it will be ready to go in. 

CERTS Committee by Linda Bailey

Dick Hamilton let everyone know that they meet the 3rd Friday of every month at 1:00 pm at Blvd Clubhouse.  Dick let everyone know that CERTS takes care of the people of the Polo Park in an emergency.  We need more members.

CAP by Linda Bailey

There are 1800 members of the CAP in the county.  Ron Baker has been working on better lighting at the CAP building.  Marcia Rockinson informed us that the lighting has been taken care of.  CAP went ahead and purchased solar powered lights that are motion sensor lights and placed one on CAP building and one on the Horseshoe building.

Jeff asked Marcia to give an update on Flock.  Jeff thanked Karen Grant for her years as president.  The flock report was given by Karen Grant. The Flock company has requested permits from the county.  County sent out a crew already to see where we want them.  The committee has called the county and we are waiting for the permit from the county. 

Vet Committee by Sam Harris

March 22nd we will have dedication ceremony at the Vet Memorial for the benches placed in memory of Sally Franklin’s husband and father.  Please come out.  On March 26 at Texas Roadhouse there’s going to be a Dine to Donate where 10% of the proceeds goes to vets.

Old Business

Pool resurfacing – Marianne Helmprecht would like to encourage the transfer fee to be approved, to allow for extra money for projects like the pool.  Linda Sheerin felt that a vote should be made to the $5,000 that was spent.  Marianne informed us that when the contract was written up, she thought lights were included and that everything was being done.  Ryan from the pool company told Marianne that we needed 4 lights and a transformer.  Marianne was told that these items were not in the contract.  Marianne called Daniel and they went ahead with the money for the light and a transformer.  Marianne asked for a motion to accept the change order for the lights and transformer for the Challenger pool.  Linda Sheerin seconded it.  All were in favor.

Blinds will be here Monday. Linda Bailey has requested not to push anything against the blinds. 

Keys for Compound by Mike Wright

Mike thinks that everyone who has something in the compound can now get in.  Dottie donated the lock box for the compound.  Everyone has the combination to obtain the key and Mike has extra keys. 

Budget by Marianne Helmprecht

The budget has been printed and will hopefully go out this week. 

Transfer Fees by Marianne Helmprecht

Marianne informed us that we are using the 2013 Covenants and Restrictions and she added in the transfer fee.  The revised Covenants will hopefully go out this week.  A vote on them is being scheduled.  Marianne suggested approval of the transfer fees.  Linda Sheerin advised that the board still needed to vote on the budget and the transfer fee.  Mike added that, originally he felt the transfer fee should be a percentage of the sale price, but he realized that when property was being inherited, there would be not money passed and therefore no transfer fee.  Therefore a percentage was not a good idea. 

Linda Sheerin had some questions about the budget.  We are including $95,000 that we have accumulated over the years and included it in our income on the budget as of December 31, 2023. This is what is called a cash budget. This budget includes $95,000 which is what we had in the bank at the close of December 31, 2023 and adds it to the income.  If we take it out we are in deficit spending of $83,000.  So, the income is $564,000 according to the budget.  The expenses are $647,000.  Which leaves us $83,000 in the hole which they used the $95,000, so, that leaves us with about $12,000 at December 31, 2023.  If everything goes according to plan.  Already we have $5,000 less and that money was not in the budget.  Linda S. indicated that was not enough money and she does not feel responsible using that money in the budget.  This is why is we leave $50,000 in and increase our dues by $5 then we will have enough bucket money fund left that we might get through the year without borrowing any money.  Jeff added that we show $9000 as income and it’s called a transfer fee.  We have been collecting for approx. 10 years.  Unfortunately, because we didn’t follow state statutes, we didn’t collect them properly.  If you were charged a transfer fee in the past, we may have to give it back.  There is no place in the State law that allowed us to collect a transfer fee and we will have to go back and work this out with our attorney.  Jeff indicated that he had called him that day and that the lawyer was gone for a week.  We will get together and try to get this all worked out.  The new transfer fee we want to pass will help that old transfer fee.  Linda S. felt we need to raise the dues $5.00.  Mike Wright asked if the golf income was in there.  Linda Sheerin answered that there is no golf income.  That there was an expense of $47,000 that we give to the golf.  Golf income and expenses is separate.  Golf is $47,000 in the hole.  HOA gives the golf course money.  Jeff added that some prefer a special assessment rather than having the monthly maintenance fee raised.  If you prefer a special assessment done, we could work that out.  However, if you just wanted to increase the monthly dues by $5.00 that would be something that the board could decide upon.  Marianne will call the accountant  and ask about the balance brought forward.  Daniel asked what is the boards wishes on the budget.  Daniel asked for a motion.  Marianne made a motion to pass the budget.  Mike Wright seconded.  Linda Sheerin and Jeff Polston opposed the motion while all others voted aye.  The motion passed.  Marianne H. made a motion to accept the transfer fee of $2,000.  Linda Sheerin seconded it.  Mike Wright added that the transfer fee will come from the purchaser unless negotiated otherwise. Jeff requested that we present the transfer fee to the attorney because he sent us a different document and we are putting this on a 2013 document.  All were in favor. 

New business

Key Book   Linda Bailey has a key book.  She needs those with keys to sign and print the signatures in her book as she can’t read any of the signatures.  If you have keys please go to the office and print your name and sign it.  She will put it on Next Door.  Mike said no one has the key to the compound as the key is kept in the lock box now.  Linda B. would still like a list of who has items in the compound. 

Daniel Basham talked about placing an HR room in an old office that currently has shelves.  The shelves have been removed and now can serve as a HR room or used for a meeting with a lawyer or whomever.  Linda B. has donated a printer for the office space.

Audit Committee   Linda Sheerin started the audit committee.  After our accountant has completed his audit, this committee will allow any resident to look at the books  We need someone from the board to work with the committee to make the books available to the residents of Polo Park.  Jeff Polston volunteered to liaison. 

Engineering Committee   Scott Rapp agreed with an engineering committee as we have a lot of talent in the park.  Scott Rapp will be the liaison. 

Documents Review Committee   We are going to put one addition into the 2013 Rules and Regs.  If we could put together a committee to review the documents, they could have a special meeting in January.  Committee can work through it and have it ready for the lawyer by October.  It should be a working document.  Daniel asked if the work done last fall becomes null and void.  Linda S answered the document was never voted on.  Daniel wanted to know where it was.  Linda Sheerin, Elise, and Jim Rose have it.  That’s what the third computer is about.  It’s for working on the documents.   Jeff Polston volunteered to liaison on this committee.  Linda S. asked if there was anyone who wanted to help, they should let Jeff know.   Richard Ackerman, Karen Brant, Elise, Linda and Marcia volunteered. 

Golf merger with HOA   Linda Bailey has mixed feelings.  We need to talk to our lawyers.  We need to set up a committee so we can hear everyone’s view points.  Linda S. said that would work.  Linda S. stated that if the golf were to be brought to the HOA, then nothing would change except that it’s under the HOA.  We are all not for profit.  It will save money as we will not have a second 1120 to file.  Jeff talked to Daniel with reference to a phone conversation with the lawyer.  The lawyer asked a question of everyone at that meeting about how can the board represent two corporations.  One corporation would mean one tax return.  Linda S. suggested that we should table this until we have another meeting.  Have the meeting with the lawyer.  Residents will be notified of the meeting which will occur when the lawyer has returned.  Mike Wright will be gone as of April 25th. 

BCH Renovations   Scott Rapp had a couple of motions to make.  The Bingo committee has saved money and wants to put it towards renovation of the women’s bathroom.  The men’s bathroom has already been converted to a handicap bathroom where there are wider doors, lack of partitions, grab bars and higher toilets.   The cost will be $19,000.00 to have bathroom remodeled.  We have 3 estimates.  Buildings and grounds have approved one builder, Burns Flooring and Kitchen Design.  First motion is to proceed with remodeling of the women’s bathroom in the Blvd clubhouse according to the Burns Flooring and Kitchen Design estimate.  Second motion is to negotiate terms of payment.  The contractors want their money upfront and we want a time line.  We want to pay them a third at time of the contract signing.  One third at the time when all the materials have arrived on site.  And one third at time of completion after a walk through to approve all the work.  We also want a time line of when the work will be done.  Linda S asked if they are fully licensed and encouraged Scott to check with the office.  She also asked if this quote is only good for 24 hours. Scott said he would check with the office and no the quote was not only good for 24 hours.  Mike suggested that the cost to put in a toilet is expensive.  Scott will make sure that the permits are filed with the office and everything is in order with our office.  The last payment won’t be made until project is approved.

First motion was made by Scott Rapp pending all the insurance and permits were filed with the office. Jeff seconded.  Motion was unanimous. 

Second motion by Scott Rapp that we negotiate payment into thirds – one third at the signing of the contract, one third with the arrival of labor and materials on site to do the work and one third after satisfactory completion, after a walk through and with an agreed upon timeline.  Seconded by Linda Sheerin.  Motion unanimous. 

Activity Events

No mahjongg on March 19th due to the Republican voting 

March 13 dinner at Challenger Clubhouse serving Chicken Divan.

March 16 dinner and dance for St. Patrick’s Day

Vegetable give away has been cancelled.

Superintendent golf Tournament on March 26

Piedmont Park Karaoke and lunch on March 30

April 6 is the 70’s and 80’s dance

Ham and cheese luncheon for $8.

Hotdogs ends 3rd week in April.

Coffee and chat will end on April 9

March 20 Red Cross will be here about smoke alarms at the Challenger Clubhouse

Open forum  Rob will be timer.

Laurie Wares with regards to letter D for fining.  In the Florida Statutes 720, Jeff failed to read one sentence.  It was created to prevent an association from regulating the installation, display and storage of any items not visible from the parcel’s frontage, from the adjacent parcel and prohibited by local ordinates.   The new section allows a homeowner or their tenant to store any items including but not limited to boats, RV’s, artificial turf so long as the items are not visible from the frontage of the parcel or visible or from an adjacent parcel or prohibited by local ordinates.  In our documents it says we have no fences.  It is a 4 ft by 8 ft fence that has been erected for dogs and there are more than 2 dogs, there are 3.  This did not go to the board last month.  This fence is visible from the adjacent side and from the front.  Laurie encourages Jeff to approve. 

Dave M announced that tomorrow is the last time for cabbage and corn beef tickets.  Dave asked the board to attend the golf meetings.  He did get some information from Jeff through Ken about amalgamating the HOA and Golf.  Dave asked if this was so important, why are the board members not attending the Golf Committee meetings.  Daniel asked when the next meeting was.  Dave told him the first Monday of the month at 9:00 am 

Paul Helmstetter had a suggestion for the remodel.  Retain 10% holdback for 30 days.  In the event that any issues come up, it gives the contractor the incentive to come and repair the issues in a timely fashion.  If they are not made within the 30 days, we can use the money to hire someone to fix the issue.

 Julie Ponkow requested to have the Blvd Clubhouse pool changed to be salt water.  Please consider it again.  It’s better for our skin and our bathing suits.  Marianne answered that on the estimates we are getting estimates for salt water.  Marianne asked that the committees try to make some money to help pay for the change.  Ryan from the pool company said the cost to change a chlorine pool to salt water pool would be anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000. 

Louis Santamarco suggested that a line be painted on the road to divide it to left and right.  Linda Sheerin stated that the county has to approve and make the change to the road.  Daniel suggested a white line on the edge of the road.

Marcia Rockinson asked if the transfer fee was being added to the Covenants or the Rules and Regs.  Linda S answered that it was being added to the Covenants and Restrictions.  Marcia then asked for clarification that the documents posted on the HOA website were incorrect.  Linda S. said that the 2013 documents were posted on the website.  On the Sunday (yesterday) we put up the 2013 document with the one little thing added.  Marcia asked another question concerning the $5,000 additional cost for the pool.  Shouldn’t that come out of the reserves?  Marianne H says yes, it is coming out of the reserves.  For the Town Hall meeting, should we have the accountant here as well as the lawyer?  Marianne agreed that was a good idea.

Perry Gibson suggested that we save money by having people come to the office and sign for the documents that will be going out to the homeowners.  Those that haven’t signed having picked them up mail to the rest of the park.  It would save a lot of money on postage.   

Barb Woodridge added that we have done something like that.  Each street on different tables.  She will stuff emails.

Charlie Pierson told us that we are having the state tournament here at Polo Park at 9:00 am on March 15.   

Barb Woodridge asked Linda S. if you can only look at the front of the yard, not the back.  The answer was yes. 

President’s message

There will be HOA board meetings throughout the summer.  There will be 6 of the 7 board members here.

Quick books update.  It is being worked on.

We are giving away the two cupboards that are set up in the front here. 

We have many people running stop signs in cars, carts and bicycles.  Please be careful to follow the road signs.

Covenants and Restrictions, page 5 item 10 of Polo Park all vehicles that can fit in a car port or garage, will be permitted to park in the garage or car port.  All vehicles parked in the car port or the garage must have a registration, if registration is required by law.  Vehicles must be parked on pavement only, not on grass or stones.  Any not following rules, may find a letter on their windshield.  Please follow rules.  Daniel read the letter to all present which stated that there will be a $50 fine per occurrence.

Linda Sheerin made a motion to adjourn.  Marianne Helmprecht seconded the motion

Meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm.